Industry: Health Services
Press Releases By Wenhong Tao O.D. & Ph.D.
Amherst, NH - Dr. Tao earned his OD from the New England College of Optometry with honors in 1999. He later earned his Ph.D. at the Medical College of Georgia, and he holds medica
Dr. Wenhong Tao received his O.D. in Optometry at New England College of Optometry in 1999. He graduated from Medical School with Honors. Dr. Wenhong Tao is an optometrist with 20+
About: Dr. Wenhong Tao is an optometrist with 20+ years experience. He examines, diagnoses and treats diseases, injuries and disorders of the eyes.
Industry: Health Services
Current Organization: THERAVISION EYE CARE
Specialty: Vision , Optometry
Honors & Awards: Top Doctors of America
(2000 - 2021)
Amherst, New Hampshire, United States of America
(1996 - 1997)
Research Associate
Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America
(1994 - 1995)
Research Associate
New York City, New York, United States of America
(1986 - 1989)
Research Associate
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
( 1999)
Education Level: O.D.
Institute Name: New England College of Optometry
Location: United States of America
( 1994)
Education Level: Ph.D.
Institute Name: Medical College of Georgia
Location: United States of America
( 1985)
Education Level: M.S.
Institute Name: Shandong University/Academy of Medical Science
Location: China
( 1982)
Education Level: M.D.
Institute Name: West China University of Medical Sciences
Location: China